I first discovered my love for kayaking while I was studying abroad in New Zealand in the Spring of 2020. I went on a trip to the Mavora Lakes (a setting for one of the Lord of the Rings films), and I fell in love with the sport and the views. When the coronavirus sent me back home to Florida, I decided to take up kayaking as a hobby. Throughout the summer, I spent my after-work hours kayaking most days after work. The kayaking regions near me have beautiful sunsets and lots of wildlife including dolphins, manatee, alligators, rays, and sometimes even sea turtles. Some of these photos were from the beach right by my house, but most were by the local river. These photos were taken with an iPhone camera. I hope you enjoy!
During quarantine in Florida, the governor declared golf to be "essential". I took this up, and learned the mechanics of the game via Youtube. This and kayaking were really the only things to do, so I practiced for a few months and took the game back to Bucknell once school started. Here are some of the photos I took on the course (when I took these, the course was usually empty so I didn't slow down course pace).